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Victoria Steiner, Fashion Stylist from Lucerne
These days, everything is turning into a more visual universe - thanks to Instagram and other social media networks that leave endless space to fill with your own aesthetics. This also means more and more images need to be created. But who are the stylists behind the big brand's shots? We talked with Victoria Steiner who has made styling her profession. 

In a constant flow of images, finding your own aesthetics and "visual voice" is more important than ever. As part of our interview series Time For Creative Souls where we take a glimpse into the universe of creative women, we have talked to Victoria about her everyday as a stylist and how that also gets reflected in her own home. Victoria Steiner is based in Lucerne, Switzerland and works for some of the nicest brands and magazines. 




Dear Victoria, thanks so much for taking the time for the interview. First, we’d love to ask how you got to working as a stylist.

I studied fashion design, but already in the course of my education, I found out that I loved it much more to combine and style the clothes instead of designing them. After I graduated, I did a fashion internship at a Swiss fashion magazine. After that, an internship in Berlin followed. When I came back to Switzerland, I knew that I wanted to be a stylist.


How can one imagine a typical working day?

Every day is different. When I get a new job, I start with the preparations for one or several days and do all the clothing choices. Then there are some days when the photo shootings get realized and some on which I do the work that comes after taking the pictures - for example taking products back, sending packages and so on. Not to forget the home office days, because there is a lot of paper work involved.


Victoria Steiner Journal

Breakfast mood from Victoria's online journal


What was one of the most elaborate styling project that have been working with?

The most complex shootings are the ones I am doing abroad. An example was this editorial for Stern magazine in Mallorca.


Are there any products that you especially like to style?

I love oversize items and wide pants.


You have a popular Instagram account with over 8000 followers. Everything looks so well together. Are you planning your content ahead or is a lot of it put together spontaneously?

No, much is spontaneous. I like to show things I like or where I am in the moment. Especially when I am on vacation I take a lot of pictures because I tend to get inspired everywhere.


Victoria Steiner

You have already been featured on the popular site Into the Gloss - congratulations on that! Can you tell how that happened?

Unfortunately, there is not so much to tell about this. I was asked by them and was super happy because it is my favorite beauty blog.


It looks like you in general have a weakness for beauty. What are your favorite brands which can be bought in Europe?

Yes, beauty is my big weakness (smiles). I love Glossier, Bioderma, Embryolisse and Armani. My newest discovery is the cosmetics brand Nazan Schnapp - her masks are great!


Many of the creative mermaids we interview also tend to express their ideas in how they live. You too?

Interior is a big hobby of mine. I love the Swedish, clean style, but also some Moroccan deco elements. And flowers - I can’t live without them!


Victoria Steiner's Home

Interior dreams: Victoria Steiner's home


Which brand would you love to do a styling for?

Céline! But unfortunately, Phoebe ist not there any more. So I would pick Chloé.


Which blog is your favorite?

Into the Gloss! I have been a reader since the beginning and still enjoy it a lot.


What are some of your favorite Instagram accounts for inspiration?

Pernille Teisbæk for fashion, Jeanne Damas for the love to Paris - and of course Into The Gloss and Glossier for beauty.


Thanks so much, Victoria!


Victoria Steiner on Instagram 

➸ Head over to Victoria Steiner's Instagram account or her website for more inspiration and beautiful aesthetics. 


If you liked reading about Victoria, you might like our interview with the Dutch illustrator and founder of Hotel Magique, Milou Neelen, or our conversation with Samira Petersen, founder of the candy brand Drops by Samira. 


Interview by Mermaid Stories
Photos: Victoria Steiner, Rita Palanikumar


May 29, 2018 von Mermaid Stories
Kategorien: #TimeForCreativeSouls