Romantisch & cool - Die Renaissance der Barockperlen
For centuries pearls have been a symbol of status, an association with class and elegance, charm and sophistication. Every woman in the world dreamt of receiving a beautiful pearl necklace to wear on a special occasion and to feel glamorous, chic and oustanding having it around her neck.
Yet, only few actually experienced the joy and honor of proudly wearing pearl jewelry for a picture that we years later look back on, as the price for a pearl jewelry item was sky high and almost unattainable. It still is, if we take a look at the traditional, perfect, round, blemish-free, creamy white pearls that are extremely scarce and therefore are connected to the unique and truly one of a kind.
Nowadays pearls have been rediscovered and, luckily, the unique is no longer completely out of reach. In fact, it’s hidden in the imperfect, the often overseen and neglected, yet the beautiful, exquisite and truly special - baroque pearls.
Pearls In The Making
To be able to understand the term of baroque pearls and pearls in general, we have to take a look at the origin of the pearls and the natural process of their creation.
Perlen are organic, natural products of sea creatures such as oysters, clams and mussels. These creatures are widely known as mollusques and are characterized by a soft body protected by calcareous shells. When an irritant (a foreign subject that threatens the mollusque) penetrates a mollusque’s shell, it defends itself by producing layers of nacre around this irritant. The nacre, which is also called “the mother of pearl”, is the outer coating of the pearls and consists of many mineralized, overlapping tissues. As a result of such process pearls are created, when being inside a mollusque, and later recovered.
As it is nearly impossible to control the pearl creation process, at least naturally, the size and shape of the pearl cannot be controlled either. Pearl shapes can vary substantially, given the fact that they are little organic gemstones which grow inside the mollusques and, as a result, their development can be easily affected by a large number of factors that in most cases are outside our power to influence. Some factors that influence the shape of the pearl is the pearl’s position inside the mollusque under the process of its development, as well as the size and shape of the irritant that penetrated the mollusque. Can you imagine how hard it is to find those absolute perfectly shaped and colored, traditional pearls?
Baroque Pearls: The Black Sheep Of The Jewelry World
Baroque pearls are the ones that historically have been perceived as the imperfect and useless pearls, as only the shiny, white, round pearls were considered a unique find. Baroque pearls are the black sheep of the jewelry world, so to say. Their shape, as the name tries to describe, is rarely symmetrical - instead, it is organic, raw and definitely not picture-perfectly round. Their natural color is never the same from pearl to pearl - instead, it exhibits subtle rainbow-colored luminescence. Their expression is not the one traditionally associated with pearls - instead, it is bursting with personality and individuality.
Despite the imperfections, these are all the characteristics that, in fact, make baroque pearls unique findings, exclusive gemstones and a stunning addition to any look. Not two baroque pearls are the same - they are all different and special with each own background and story to tell. You can be sure that the baroque pearl in your pearl earrings or necklace is truly one of a kind, as there is simply no other that looks exactly the same. Isn't it a true definition of uniqueness?
The World Of Baroque Pearls
Due to imperfections and true singularity of baroque pearls, there is a whole world of shapes and sizes that they can be found in. While the term “baroque” is commonly used to describe any irregular pearls, there are countless sub-types that can be found within the baroque pearl world: rice pearls, twin pearls, cross pearls, heart pearls… And, not to forget to mention, then there are soufflé (how sweet is the name) pearls: appropriately named after a delicate dessert, their exquisite look and rainbow color are getting a lot of attention from the jewelry and fashion industry.
New Jewelry Design Trends Featuring Baroque Pearls
Times have changed and so have the fashion trends. In today’s world the previously neglected and outsourced baroque pearls are making a major come back, both in the jewelry made by up and coming accessory brands and pieces in collections of some of the world’s utmost famous designers. Internationally and widely known and acknowledged fashion magazines publish numerous looks featuring jewelry designed with baroque pearls, announcing the big baroque pearl movement on the rise and actually stating them as absolute “must-haves” in any woman’s jewelry collection.
And really, baroque pearls look absolutely stunning in every jewelry creation, whether it is earrings, necklaces, bracelets or something else. With their irregular and non-spherical shape, as well as the imperfect color, they add a touch of romance, dreaminess and certain coolness to any look - a modern spin and edgy twist to the classical jewelry design. When wearing beautiful pearl jewelry featuring baroque pearls you don't have to worry about it looking like your grandmother’s pearls, yet it will still provide you a feeling of chicness, uniqueness and individuality.
Where Raw Meets Elegant And Chic
Are you also dreaming about adding a mermaidy, dreamy touch of outstanding baroque pearls to your look? Within our collection of pearl jewelry you can find jewelry designs featuring the modern, yet classy baroque pearls. A fusion of raw and chic, edgy and classy, modern and timeless - baroque pearl jewelry will certainly compliment your unique personality and style, breathing romance and elegance into your everyday or festive outfit.